Leadership & Volunteers

ISTH assembled a project Steering Committee composed of over 50 VTE clinical research experts for this project, with attention taken to ensure fair representation by region, gender, and clinical focus areas. The Steering Committee’s charge included establishing the project’s framework and scope, and overseeing the work of seven Working Groups focusing on specific content areas within the CDEs. The Working Groups met once monthly via teleconference over a six month period to first identify key CDEs for their respective topic areas, and then develop definitions and data standards using existing clinical research studies and CRFs as a guide.

VTE CDE Steering Committee

  • Chair: Dr. Gregoire Le Gal, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Canada

  • Dr. Adam Cuker, University of Pennsylvania, United States

  • Prof. Marc Righini, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland

  • Dr. Lana Castellucci, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada

  • Dr. Marc Carrier, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada

  • Dr. Erik Klok, LUMC, Netherlands

  • Dr. Jerrold Levy, Duke University Medical Center, United States

  • Prof. John-Bjarne Hansen, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

  • Prof. Saskia Middeldorp, Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands

Working Groups

Anticoagulation and Other Therapies

Therapies for treatment and primary and secondary prevention of VTE

  • Lead: Dr. Adam Cuker, University of Pennsylvania, United States

  • Prof. Jonathan Douxfils, University of Namur, Belgium

  • Dr. Leslie Skeith, University of Calgary, Canada

  • Dr. Lisa Bauman Kreuziger, Blood Center of Wisconsin, United States

  • Dr. Neil Zakai, University of Vermont, United States

  • Dr. Nicoletta Riva, University of Malta, Malta

  • Prof. Peter Verhamme, University of Leuven, Belgium

  • Prof. Sam Schulman, McMaster University, Canada

Chronic VTE and Functional Outcomes

The definition of outcomes in chronic VTE,  including functional outcomes, quality of life, chronic thromboembolism (e.g. post-thrombotic syndrome, CTEPH), and monitoring and diagnostic mechanisms for chronic VTE

  • Lead: Dr. Erik Klok, LUMC, Netherlands

  • Dr. Arina Ten Cate-Hoek, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Netherlands

  • Dr. Irene Lang, MedUniWien, Austria

  • Prof. Stavros Konstantinides, University Medical Center Mainz, Germany

  • Dr. Susan Kahn, Jewish General Hospital, Canada

  • Dr. Waleed Ghanima, Yystfold hospital, Norway

  • Dr Jean-Philippe Galanaud, Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Diagnosis of VTE

Diagnostic studies and clinical prediction rules commonly used to diagnose VTE, including imaging studies, ultrasound, pulmonary angiography, probability and prognostic rules, and standardizing the definition of confirmed DVT/PE

  • Lead: Prof. Marc Righini, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland

  • Dr. Char Witmer, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), United States

  • Dr. Erik Klok, LUMC, Netherlands

  • Dr. Esteban Gandara, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada

  • Prof. Paolo Prandoni, Arianna Foundation on Anticoagulation, Italy

  • Dr. Thomas Moumneh, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d'Angers | CHU Angers, France

General Core Data Elements

Foundational common data elements in the following categories: (1) demographics; (2) history; (3) physical examination; (4) adverse events; (5) protocol deviations; and (5) study discontinuations

  • Lead: Dr. Lana Castellucci, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada

  • Dr. Alejandro Lazo-Langner, University of Western Ontario, Canada

  • Dr. Cynthia Wu, University Of Alberta Hospital, Canada

  • Dr. Fionnuala Ni Ainle, Rotunda Hospital, Ireland

  • Dr. Helia Robert-Ebadi, Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Switzerland


Cancer-associated thrombosis, including active cancer definitions, VTE-related mortality in the context of cancer, cancer-specific VTE risks, and cancer-specific treatments for VTE

  • Lead: Dr. Marc Carrier, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada

  • Dr. Cihan Ay, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

  • Dr. Gabriela Cesarman Maus, National Cancer Institute, Mexico

  • Dr. Jeffrey Zwicker, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr / Harvard Med School, United States

  • Dr. Mandy Lauw, Amsterdam UMC/Erasmus MC, Netherlands

  • Prof. Pantep Angchaisuksiri, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand

  • Dr. Tzu-Fei Wang, The Ohio State University, United States


Pre-surgical, surgical, and post-surgical aspects of VTE (including post-acute ICU), including  arterial thrombosis, bridging anticoagulation, and surgical risk stratification

  • Lead: Dr. Jerrold Levy, Duke University Medical Center, United States

  • Dr. Alex Spyropoulos, Northwell Health at Lenox Hill Hospital, United States

  • Dr. David Faraoni, Hospital for Sick Children, Univ of Toronto, Canada

  • Dr. Jean Connors, Brigham and Womens Hosp/Harvard Medical School, United States

  • Prof. Marc Samama, Cochin University Hospital, France

  • Dr. Marie Steiner, University of Minnesota, United States

  • Dr. Raquel Bartz, Duke University Medical Center, United States

  • Prof. Toshiaki Iba, Juntendo University, Japan

Predictors of VTE

Transient and permanent risk factors specific to patients with VTE, including genetic, environmental, and acquired predictors, and comorbidities

  • Lead: Prof. John-Bjarne Hansen, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

  • Dr. Clive Kearon, Juravinski Hospital Clinic, Canada

  • Dr. Fernanda Orsi, Hospital das Clínicas da Unicamp, Brazil

  • Prof. Pierre Morange, CHU Timone, France

  • Dr. Sigrid Brækkan, Unversity of Tromso, Norway

  • Prof. Suzanne Canniegeter, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

  • Dr. Vania Morelli, Unviersity of Tromso, Brazil